Wissen Sie, wie Wellpappe hergestellt wurde?

Wissen Sie, wie Wellpappe hergestellt wurde?

1884 entwickelte der schwedische Chemiker Carl F. Dahl ein Verfahren zum Aufschluss von Holzspänen zu einem starken Papier, das reiß-, spalt- und platzfest ist. Er nannte es das Kraft-Verfahren, weil es ein starkes Papier erzeugt, das reiß-, spalt- und platzfest ist.

Die Produktionslinie für Wellpappe umfasst hauptsächlich die folgenden Maschinen: einseitige Wellpappenanlage, doppelseitige Anlage, Heizplatte, Längsschneide- und Spaltpressenlinie, Querschneideanlage und Wellpappenstapel.Wellpappe wird aus gewölbtem Papier hergestellt, das als "Riffelung" bekannt ist.Es handelt sich um eine ziemlich hochtechnologische Lösung, die fortschrittliche Computerdesign- und Fertigungssysteme verwendet. Aufgrund dieses Designs ist Wellpappe für viele Verpackungsdesigner die beste Wahl.

Ein fertiges Stück Wellpappe besteht aus einer einzelnen Wellpappenschicht, die zwischen zwei Deckschichten (siehe oben) eingebettet ist. Die drei Schichten werden durch Kleister miteinander verbunden, der aus Wasser, Stärkepaste, Natronlauge, Borax und einigen Zusatzstoffen besteht. Der Einsatz des Kleisters ist der Schlüssel zur Qualität der Verklebung von Wellpappe.


Wellpappendeckel werden in den folgenden Qualitäten hergestellt:

Kraft Liner - Das hochwertigste Papier für die Deckschicht, das mit einem Anteil von 80% Sulfatzellstoff hergestellt wird

Testliner - Mehrschichtiges Papier aus verschiedenen Fasermaterialien, der Zellstoffanteil ist nicht festgelegt, daher werden nur die Festigkeitseigenschaften definiert und garantiert.

Schrenz (grau) - Papier minderer Qualität, das aus Recyclingpapier hergestellt wird.


Riffelungen werden in den folgenden Qualitäten hergestellt:

Halbzell stoff -Hochwertiges Papier, sehr festes, halbzelliges Papier aus Holzfasern

Wellen stoff - Graues Papier aus sortiertem (hochwertigem) Recyclingpapier

schrenz(grau) - minderwertiges Papier aus Recyclingpapier.

Die Herstellung von Wellpappe umfasst zwei wichtige SchritteHerstellung von Kraftpapier und Wellpappe. Bei der Herstellung von Kraftpapier werden die Holzspäne zerkleinert und die entstehende Papiermasse durch massive Dampfwalzen geleitet, die das Wasser entfernen.

Die Wellpappenherstellung erfolgt ebenfalls in einer Maschine, die schwere Walzen verwendet. Eine Papprolle wird gewellt und dann mit der gleichen Maschine zwischen zwei andere Lagen (Liner) geklebt. Der Kleber wird dann ausgehärtet, indem die Pappe über erhitzte Walzen geführt wird.

Eine qualifizierte Wellpappe sollte die folgenden Normen erfüllen:

  • Der Klebstoff des Kartons ist gut.
  • Die Riffelform ist gut und ohne Riffelphänomen.
  • Die Wellpappe ist flach, nicht gewölbt oder verzogen, um die Härte zu gewährleisten.

Künftige Wellpappenbehälter werden aus Kraftpapier hergestellt, das aus recycelten Verpackungen und nicht aus Bäumen gewonnen wird. Recycling und andere umweltfreundliche Verfahren werden in der Zukunft der Wellpappe weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen. Schon heute werden bei der Herstellung von Behältern Druckfarben auf der Basis von Sojaöl sowie biologisch abbaubare Wachse und andere Beschichtungen eingesetzt. Führende Verpackungsunternehmen betreiben bereits Papierfabriken, die frisches, sauberes Kraftpapier herstellen, indem sie gebrauchte Behälter de-inking und pulpen.

Was macht Wellpappe zum besten Schutzmaterial?

Warum ist Wellpappe das beste Schutzmaterial?

Corrugated cardboard is a stiff, strong and light-weight material made up of three layers of brown Kraft paper.Here, we’ll explore why corrugated is a smart, sustainable packaging choice for any packaging or shipping needs. Corrugated is the preferred packaging material because it is:

1, Corrugated cardboard is cost-effective
Corrugated is Cost-Effective. For one, they are usually purchased in bulk at a retail price. Their lightweight design also makes them economical to ship. Plus the strong and durable material greatly reduces the costs caused by damage during shipping.In a word,The cost of labor,production and shipping of corrugated materials is extremely low, making it one of the least expensive materials ever developed.

2, Corrugated cartons is versatile and can be customized
Corrugated is a rigid shipping and packaging medium that can be cut and folded into an infinite variety of shapes and sizes,constructed to an almost scientific specification, even allowing direct print with high resolution graphics.They can easily be printed on, they are very strong and durable. Corrugated boxes are used for everything from shipping to product displays, and although they start out brown they can be quickly be transformed with a wide variety of colors, designs, text, and graphics printed directly on the material.

3, Corrugated packaging is recyclable and reusable
Corrugated cardboard packaging is among the most widely recycled materials on earth. Some cardboard is made from 100% recycled materials, while the average is 70% to 90% recycled – making cardboard one of the most “green” packaging solutions available anywhere. Corrugated packaging can also be made without any bleaches or dyes,which further enhances its recyclability and reduces its environmental footprint.
Finally,corrugated packaging materials can be disposed of more easily and sustainably than many materials because they are biodegradable.

4, Corrugated cartons are very strong and durable.
Their sturdiness minimalizes damage that can be caused during shipping. Not only can they withstand heavy weight but they have excellent tear, rupture and malleable strength. This makes them ideal for products that need to be shipped long distance.

In conclusion,Corrugated cardboard is a perfect packing material of choice for many brands and industries.They have a wide variety of uses that meet the demands of packaging such as candy boxes, ice cream boxes, pizza boxes, corrugated shipping boxes, packing boxes,corrugated paper rolls,carton boxes, printed shoe boxes, corrugated packaging sheets, duplex carton boxes, vegetables boxes, automobile corrugated boxes, rectangular corrugated boxes,mono cartons,heavy duty corrugated boxes, paper boxes and food boxes…So,Whatever you use it for, corrugated paper is reliable and fits your needs. Contact us today to custom design and manufacture your own products package with corrugated cardboard from Shenzhen AW Packaging Co.,Ltd, our email is: [email protected] .

Why can a cellphone packaging box be awarded the prize of IF international design

Warum kann eine Handy-Verpackungsbox mit dem Preis für internationales IF-Design ausgezeichnet werden?

The packing box of the mobile phone you will not fell strange, believe that the majority of mobile phone boxes will not leave you too much impression, whether it is long, square or round flat, usually after your began to take new mobile phone out of the box, it will be thrown into the trash can, who take care a package box?

But in recent days, you may have noticed a news. That is, a cell phone box has won a prize — HUAWEI glory V8 packaging box, won the 2017 Hannover IF design prize. The IF design prize with the concept of “independence, preciseness and reliability” has been held by the Hannover Industrial Design Forum, the oldest industrial design institution in Germany. It is recognized as one of the most important awards in the world.

So what’s the special about the glorified V8 box?

From the outside, there is nothing special about the glorified V8 box, and the simplified packaging of the rectangle is customary for most mobile phones.

When we open the box, the glory of V8 is also the extraction way, which is not new. But we can find the difference, that is, a few holes in inner box of the glory of V8.

Huawei Honor V8 cellphone paper package box

When we take out all the accessories in the package box, we will find the difference. The glorified V8 box is like this. And in addition to the conventional accessories such as the data line charger, there is a small box in the packing box. And the back of the inner box is written the words of VR Glass (virtual reality glasses), indicating its identity.

Huawei Honor V8 smart phone paper package box outer look

Open this small box, we can see two lenses, as well as fixed lenses of the frame and nose. These are the parts of your own VR glasses, and the simple assembly step instructions are on the box. When we put all the lenses and nose up, the glorified V8 box became the same. Is it like a robot?

Huawei honor v8 cell phone paper packing box inner look

Then we can use this VR eyeglass box to experience the fun of virtual reality. Just put a glorified V8 phone in a box and open a VR related game or application.

Huawei Honor V8 cellphone paper box can be used as a VR box

Although many mobile phone manufacturers began to enter the VR field last year, but buying a VR glasses spent an extra cost of 100 yuan for the consumer. And it’s important that many users don’t really know what VR is, and much less to pay for it until they have experienced it. And the glorified V8 box makes VR a part of every user and make it popular. Is it very interesting, don’t you think?

iPhone X Verpackungsbox: Grün und Schwarz

iPhone X Verpackungsbox: Grün und Schwarz

Influenced by harsh aesthetic minimalism, cell phone packaging is already part of the apple product. Recently, Apple released an environmental report on iPhone X. It mentioned in the report that the packaging fiber of iPhone X is made of  forest, bamboo, waste sugarcane and recycled paper Apple managed. What about the unheralded design principles of iPhone’s packaging boxes? What’s the secret of its minimalist art?

  1. Green

iPhone packaging unboxing picture

Recently, Apple issued a “white paper” once again–《paper and packaging strategy》.It describes how they reduce packaging paper, the person in charge of procurement, and to protect and create a sustainable forest. the white paper mainly divided into three points: to reduce the impact of climate change through the use of renewable energy, increase the energy efficiency of products and facilities; Through effective utilization of materials, more recyclable, more renewable components products are used in products, the valuable resources can be saved; Find, develop and use safer materials in products and processes.

The included EarPods packaging has no exception, in the iPhone EarPods are taking the plastic box packaging, to the Lightning version of the EarPods interface, the packing box into a cardboard + glue structure.

We can see some of the clues in the packaging of iPhone 6S to iPhone 7. In the packaging box of iPhone 6S, there are two stacked plastic pallets which contain equipment and accessories. To iPhone 7, apple adopts the new packaging design, and completes two things with only one tray.

  1. Black Tech

iPhone paper package box

iPhone packaging box also has a patent on its appearance and internal stack design. The ordinary packing box holds the top of the box, and the box can fall directly on the table (or on the ground) under the action of gravity, and may break the machine. The iPhone box will lift up the lid, and the box will also slide. But because of the effect of atmospheric pressure, the box body is not falling down but falling down slowly, protecting the machine from accidental fall.

Citing the Patent Description: “The patent covers the transparent packaging whereby the holder suspends the item above a surface to give the item the appearance that it is floating within the packaging.”

Das iPhone: Das Geheimnis der Gestaltung und Herstellung von Telefongehäusen

Das iPhone: Das Geheimnis der Gestaltung und Herstellung von Telefongehäusen

iPhone’s acme user experience won the favorite of users around the world, but Apple is not limited for design of mobile phone itself, from the accessories such as headset to box packaging shows the apple brand exquisite craft, so how the phone box packaging is designed? Picture below showed the dismantling of iPhone’s mobile phone boxes.

The type of the packing box used by iPhone belongs to the “Folding paper box”. It is a cardboard box which uses corrugated paper and other hard cardboard as frame and pastes a layer of thin decorative paper on the surface. Compared to the “plug-in box” and only a piece of thick paper and corrugated paper can be folded into the box, the more rigid, high precision. Moreover, by changing the surface decorative paper, the impression and texture of the package can be adjusted. Most of the high-grade brand packaging such as cakes, gifts and jewelry at home and abroad are covered with leather cartons. However, because of the limitation of mechanical automation production, the cost of pasting paper box is high. Moreover, because of the structural reasons, there are some limitations in the manufacture of cartons.

Take the “corner” of a packing box for example. When making a frame with cardboard, the ordinary paper box should pass through the following procedures. The indentation in the cardboard, and then make out the indentation, along the fold in the peripheral paste decorative paper. At this time, there is a gap between the folding angle. Therefore, when the decorative paper is pasted in the outer circle, it will not form a sharp angle, so that the whole paper box is given a round impression. The appearance of serious and steady, as with the corner of the polished wooden box. That is to say, in order to show the rigidity of the box, the thicker the paper box used, the less angled corner.

But in Apple’s view, packaging boxes as a carrier of iPhone, which displays a sharp impression and displays the characteristics of goods to customers, requires not only strong rigidity but also sharp edges. To this end, the apple carved a 90 – degree groove on the board to make it fold to the inside to form a right angle “V cutting” method. V cutting is not only troublesome, but also requires high precision of processing, so it is very expensive. Of the most common packaging of this processing method, 1 Bvlgari chocolates, which are priced at $13, belong to this kinds of packaging. On the basis of the V cutting technique, the apple has been made into a simple, rigid package through multiple improvements.

It’s amazing that there’s a decorative paper pasted outside the frame. In order to make the corner clear, the “iPhone” series package boxes used the high cost “V cutting” method for the base-cardboard. But the real innovation that Apple has set off on the packaging is actually a decorative paper wrapped around the core. Known as the “wings” to smear glue wrapped in the box body side part. In this way, there is no drop in the side surface, and the surface is as smooth as a newly cut bean curd.

Decorative paper outside, As known as “wings”. In addition, the medial iPhone box also has obvious characteristics, that is part of the decorative paper is folded inwards to completely cover the inner side of the box body. The usual leather cardboard box is only about 1 to 2 centimeters at the edge of the box. It is reported that the production of iPhone cellphone packaging cartons is made by Italy EMMECI company box machine “MC-2004MEBST-HM”.

For the traditional box machine to break the box in the side wings paste varus part and paste the part. iPhone packaging box so large area of packaging paper, at the same time pasted in the words and so part of the “fight”, the effect of sticker is not beautiful enough. Moreover, the size of the pasted parts can not reach the requirement of sticking the side of the whole box. The EMMECI box making machine is equipped with the structure of left and right paste. Each paste action is controlled by different motors, and the carton produced can meet the quality required by apple.

However, it would be too indiscreet to think that the iPhone package could be made if it had this device. When the paper is slightly inadvertently expanded, it will not only greatly affect the accuracy, but also cause warping and bending. It is also important to choose and paste adhesive for paper that is not flexible and easy to glue. If you do not do the best in every process, you can’t do it at all.

Phone Packaging box is also one of the important commodity competitiveness to cell phone manufacturers. Apple mobile packaging boxes are made in mainland China and Taiwan mainly, it has completely squeezed the cost with the advantage of scale production, that is undoubtedly a very bold investment. Without such a firm belief, it would never be possible to create such a box.

Häufig verwendetes Papiermaterial für den Druck und die Verpackung von Papierschachteln

Häufig verwendetes Papiermaterial für den Druck und die Verpackung von Papierschachteln

If you are newly enaged in purchasing packaging box for products such as electronics, garments, food etc, most package box manufacturer will ask what kind of paper do you want to use for packaging, it may be a bit complicated for you. Well, today we will share your some knowledge on several common used paper material for color paper box printing and packaging as below:

Single Copper Paper

The paper is white, smooth and bright in front side, with high stiffness and folding resistance , the back and middle are white, suitable for cosmetics, food, medicines and other high end product packaging.

Single Copper Paper

CCNB (Clay Coated News Back) paper

The front side is white, relative smooth, gray for bottom and middle, good stiffness, low price, suitable for food, medicine, toys and other products packaging.

Clay Coated News Back Paper

CCWB (Clay Coated White Back) paper

The front side is white, relative smooth, white bottom, the middle gray, good stiffness, affordable, suitable for food, medicine, electronic and other product packaging.

Clay Coated White Back Paper

White kraft paper

Paper surface is white, smooth, pure color, paper stiffness is good, good bursting resistance, suitable for food, electronics, toys and other product packaging.

White kraft paper

Double sided red kraft paper

Double sided red kraft paper, also known as double sided cattle cardboard, paper smooth both sides, reddish brown color, stable color, high burst resistance, strong folding resistance, suitable for 3C digital products, gifts, clothing and other environmental protection products packaging.

Double sided red kraft paper

Gold card paper

Full name is PET white light gold cardboard, front side in golden color, white in the bottom, high brightness in the front, excellent mirror effect, paper stiffness is good, strong folding resistance, suitable for cosmetics, gifts, tobacco, wine and other high-end product packaging.

Gold card paper

Silver card paper

Full name is silver white PET light silver paper, silver front, white bottom, front high brightness, excellent mirror effect, paper stiffness is good, folding strong, suitable for cosmetics, gifts, tobacco and other high-end product packaging.

Silver card paper

Pit carton paper

Corrugated paper according to the corrugated type can be divided into seven categories: A pit, B pit, C pit, D pit, E pit, F pit, G pit; of which A, B, C pit generally used for outer packaging, D, E pit used for small and medium sized product packaging.

Pit carton paper

How could the cosmetics packaging impact consumer’s shopping desire

Wie könnten sich die Kosmetikverpackungen auf die Kauflust der Verbraucher auswirken?

For cosmetic packaging, I believe that we must have the same feeling, during usage of certain products, if use inconvenient, or frequent failure, it is a very heartfelt feeling.

Once my friends bought a frequently advertising domestic facial cleanser, nothing wrong when first using, but she don’t like if any more after using a half, because this facial cleanser bottle is hard and slippery, the rest of the facial cleanser hard to squeeze out every time.

My friend complains: “why can’t you spare the advertising money into the product itself, and make every detail good enough?” Since then, my friend never bought other products of this brand. So, product packaging is very important!

In short, the packaging is no longer limited to container and aesthetic level, it is also very important for the product’s using experience, the simplicity mentioned above is just one. The interesting of package is also the other directions of packaging development. Speaking of fun, female consumers, as the main consumers of cosmetics consumer, most of them have a potential standard for the demand of product packaging.

Cartoon: printing favorite cartoon image on the packaging , packaging modeling peculiar, anthropomorphic, colorful etc,can effectively stimulate consumer’s buying desire.

Simple: Usually simple and generous design style is easy to highlight the product’s visual experience of pure, elegant, quality etc.

Practical: If some of the product packaging can be used as storage or decoration purpose after unpacked, it will also add points to the product.

When the homogenization of cosmetics market more and more serious, so that the product becomes monotonous, consumers are difficult to distinguish between good and bad in essence. Under such circumstances, many manufacturers began to shift their targets and devote themselves to packaging in order to achieve product differentiation and try to occupy a place in such market competition.

Therefore, how to make the package deliver more product information and attract the attention of consumers with innovative and unique packaging design is the key to stand out from many other similar products. Developers and manufactures should design cosmetic packaging from the consumer’s view point, and introduce human friendly cosmetic packaging.

Shenzhen AW Packaging Co.,Ltd is committed to the pursuit of the highest quality of modern packaging, we are professional in cosmetic package box products designing and manufacturing . If you are interested in our cosmetic packaging box and service, please send us an inquiry with our email: [email protected] .

Eine kurze Einführung in den Faltschachtel-Stil

Eine kurze Einführung in den Faltschachtel-Stil

Folding paper box 

The folding box has various style. Today we would like to introduce is one of the most common folding styles is Straight Tuck End Box style. it has the tuck closure on the top and bottom of the box.and the tuck flaps on the top and bottom are both on the front panel. Of course, you also can choose the tuck flaps on the top and bottom are different panel to open, that’s called reverse tuck end paper box. The two types of the tuck end box are the most popular box style for the cosmetic boxes, small electronic packaging, and custom retail box.

Reverse tuck end paper box Straight tuck end paper box

Reverse tuck end paper box

We talked below the Folding cardboard packaging design for the cosmetic gift box. It is custom printed paper box based on the size, printing and finishes details.

packaging cosmetic collapsible box for front view

Unlike other folding paper boxes which are made of the SBS paperboard, this box is made of the 350gsm white cardboard paper. This is a high-end look material, which makes the package looks high quality. Spot UV and foil stamping and Matte printing have the great visual effect on the white cardboard paper box.  Meanwhile, the embossing is used for the LOGO picture of the cosmetic.

packaging cosmetic collapsible box for back view

Of course, you can customized design your cosmetic gift box, different printing, and finish, accept your design ideas, together to make packaging box.

Shenzhen AW Packaging Co.,Ltd is a custom printed paper box supplier. If you have any paper boxes, please do not hesitate to contact us by [email protected] .


Das Verfahren für die Bestellung und Einfuhr von Verpackungen aus Papierkartons und -beuteln

Das Verfahren für die Bestellung und Einfuhr von Verpackungen aus Papierkartons und -beuteln

The import of the packaging paper box from Shenzhen of China is quite easy if you plan to reduce your packaging cost by ordering from us.

The diagram below illustrates the order and import procedure clearly. If you read carefully, you will find that the order procedure is well designed to ensure that your interest is well protected, and the quality of the boxes is exactly what you expect.

Das Verfahren für die Bestellung und Einfuhr von Verpackungen aus Papierkartons und -beuteln

How to order the printed boxes from us?

1.  Your packaging need details confirmation

The details confirmation is a little annoying, but it worths the hard-work and time. It would be really ugly if the box turned out too small or big to hold your products. Below are the packaging details that are of the most importance.

 Your artwork: the artwork shows us the size, the structure, the color printing details of your printed packaging. Our sales check the artwork carefully to see if there is any problem for the printing. Usually, there are font missing problems if the text in the artwork is not outlined and your designer uses some special fonts.

Size: also we will ask you for the size of the printed packaging box, bag or sticker etc to make sure that the size is the same as your printing artwork. Usually, you need to specify whether the size is the inner size or the outer size. This assures that the printed box fits your product perfectly.

Delivery time: How soon would you like to get the products? This is very important if this is an urgent project for you. Then we will see if we can put your production ahead of other production.

Paper Material to be Used: We need to know accurately what paper material you would like to use for your product. It would be nice if you could send us a sample to check the material. This will be very helpful.Also, we need to confirm with you what kinds of finish you would like to apply to the surface.

Die-cut Template: Our design department provide the free box die-line and you can just simply let your print designer put the graphic design on the template.

2.  Price quote

Based on the details you give us at step 1, we will give you a price quote. We are the leading printed packaging solution provider in South China, and we have the huge price advantage.

3.  Sample Making Fee

The sample box is important. If you get a perfect sample box, then you will have a 95% chance to get a perfect box during the mass production. Usually, we will charge 100-200USD for the sample box making. And we will use this money as your mass production deposit when the order is confirmed.

4.  Sample Making and Confirmation

We take around one week to make the samples and send them to you for your confirmation.

5.  Deposit

After you confirm the sample box, things will go more smoothly. Once received 40-50% deposit of the total mass production cost, and we start the mass production. When the mass production is done, we will send the HD pictures for your confirmation before the balance payment.

6.  Mass production

We can produce 30,000 to 4 o,000 pcs boxes a week and guarantee to ensure quality.

7.  Inspection

When the mass production is done, we welcome you to visit our factory to inspect the goods. Usually, our client lets us take the high-quality pictures for them to confirm. Or let your Chinese agent come to our factory inspection.

8.  Shipping

All you need to do about the shipping is to find a good shipping forwarder company to take care of the shipping stuff for you. If you don’t want to bother yourself with this, we can recommend a shipping forwarder company for you, which may help you to save money and time.

You inquire shipping freight: the shipping cost is charged by the shipping forwarder company and is calculated based on the actual volume of the goods. When the mass production is done, we will send you the packaging data, then you can make an inquiry about the sea freight with the shipping forwarder company.

We issue the booking form: After you confirm the freight cost, then shipping forwarder company will contact us to send them the booking form, then they will book the ship and handle the rest of things for us.

We send you the B/L: When everything is finished, the shipping forwarder company will issue the B/L around a week after the ship leaves the port. Then we will send you the B/L telex release together with the packing list, commercial invoice to you for your pick-up of the goods.

What is the paper package box price

Wie hoch ist der Preis für die Papierverpackungsbox?

How much is a paper package box ? Well, this question is too general, if you are want to buy a paper package box for your own usage, such as packaging your things during transportation, then you can buy a paper package box from the internet , such as Amazon, ebay; or you can buy it from a nearby store.

If you are going to buy paper package box in a bulk quantity, then the best choice is to buy the paper package box from China, as the labor cost, craftwork, designing, quality is much more competitive in China. You can try to source paper packaging box manufacturer on google.com or on alibaba.com.

The next step is tell the paper package box manufacturer or supplier the box size you required, which material do you want to use, send them your design ( if you have ), and your other requirements, then then packaging factory will quote you a  price shortly.

Shenzhen AW Packaging Co.,Ltd is a professional paper package box manufacturer in China with rich experience in dealing with customized paper package box requirements, we have been completed packaging box orders from all over the world. Please feel free to contact [email protected] if you have such needs, we sincerely wish to recieve your paper package box inquiry soon.