How to choose the size of the product packaging color paper box

How to choose the size of the product packaging color paper box?

Different products have different shapes and specifications, which means that when choosing a packaging color box, it needs to be designed and customized according to specific products. However, the size of the color box is a headache for many customers. In fact, the size of the color box can be calculated according to the calculation.

A better design is to be 3mm larger on each side than the product size, or 1.5mm larger if you want to be more compact. The shape of the packaging box is then customized according to the product, and the general shapes are cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere, cone, etc. Next, give an example of the algorithm for the size of the cube and cuboid packaging color box.

Cube packaging box

Assume the product dimensions are: length: 5cm, width: 5cm, height: 5cm. Then the size of the box is: length: 5.3cm, width: 5.3cm, height: 5.3cm. It can also be calculated that surface area=6*5.3*5.3=168.54 cm2; volume=5.3*5.3*5.3=148.877 cm3.

Cuboid packaging box

Assume the product dimensions are: length: 5cm, width: 3cm, height: 8cm. Then the size of the box is: length: 5.3cm, width: 3.3cm, height: 8.3cm. Calculated surface area=2*(5.3*3.3 5.3*8.3 3.3*8.3)=157.74 cm2; volume=5.3*3.3*8.3=145.167cm3.

There are also some custom-made packaging boxes with special shapes, such as the form of sky and earth cover, which requires another calculation method, and the material area is the sum of the box body and the box cover. Sometimes according to the printing of the box, and the appearance of the outside, its size will be specially customized, not according to the conventional. No matter how it is designed, one thing is certain, the size of the box is larger than the size of the product itself.

With the calculation method, both the customer and the manufacturer can better calculate the size of the packaging box required by the product, so that the product and the packaging box fit better. If any help needed, please contact Shenzhen AW Packaging Co.,Ltd by email: [email protected] .